Signed Cover Art

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March 13, 2010

Checking in...

Not much to report...

Just finished going through my galley proofs and just finalized. No more changes now. From here on out, it's "publishing" time. I can not wait for May 3rd!

Noticed I have 30 followers now. Thank you, everyone! It means a lot. =)

Once I hit 50, I'll hold my first contest.

I've backed off from Twitter. It's been more of a pain than anything. I use Facebook a lot more instead.

I have a story percolating in my brain. It'll be nice to write again. I've been under a long stretch of sheer boredom, depression, and writer's block. Nothing seems interesting anymore.



Anne Gallagher said...

Wowee, so that's where you've been. I had no idea. I guess I didn't read your posts back far enough. Good for you! That's great and I'm jealous...but in a good way.

Anonymous said...

Depression and anxiety can really do a number on my writing, and what's really perverse is that it usually takes writing to pull me out of it. So sometimes I feel like I'm caught in this crazy Catch-22 loop, which makes me feel worse, and further down the rabbit hole I go. But then something will spark, some idea for a character or a scene or something. If I don't let the spark get away from me I can fan it into a fire and start writing again. So I kind of know how you feel, Isobael, and I hope you'll find yourself on fire again soon.

And I agree with you about Twitter - it's aggravating!

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