Yes, I know it's not a magnum opus, it'll definitely not win me a Nobel Prize, or even get me on the best sellers list, but none of that matters. What matters is that I FINISHED something I started, and I damn near got my goal of 80,000 words!
My editing partner told me she'd by the book if it was ever published, and I've had some feedback stating that I should be published, why am I not published, that this story is the best I've written to date, that they could see my growth as a writer, and when am I being published.
At 77k words, and first draft, I can honestly say this books needs a LOT of work before I can even consider the idea of submitting it, or if I ever will.
Edits, revisions, more edits...I need to find critique partners who will read it and help me clean it up by pointing out my weaker spots. I need to sit down and clean up the rough draft.
To me, THAT is where I suck. I have a story. I know where story is headed. I know what I want in the story and who is going into the story. I have plot points, I have a setting, I have an ending. I write. Anything more than that is beyond me. LOL. I don't know how to step back and look at it as a reader. I alternate between "It's fine!" and "I wrote this trash?"...
I have other stories I've started and put aside to write the one I just finished. I have stories in my head demanding to get out. None of which are actually cooperating though, by actually letting me plot them down. I feel scattered and frustrated.
I sit at my laptop, staring at the screen, thinking I really should work on my rough draft, then remember I'm done writing it. Two months...
I feel a bit lost.
I'm going to pimp this blog post. It's written by C. J. Redwine and every new writer should make a copy of it to keep on hand. Post it on the wall next to your writing space so you can see it every time you sit down to write. 10 Things New Writers Need Know.
Anyway, off to clean out my Fiction folder and see what project I can work on next. Because, as it's been whopped into me a few times, KEEP WRITING!