Signed Cover Art

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May 6, 2018

What I feel today...

I'm suppose to write about what or how I'm feeling today.

This one is going to be difficult for me.

As most of you know, I suffer from depression and social anxiety. Today is one of my down days. Actually, this week has been difficult. I'm mourning the loss of a friend.

I've come to the realization that maybe I wasn't good enough, or I've done something wrong. I really have no idea though.

Ghosting sucks, people. In this day and age, there's no excuse for it. As easy as it is to send an email, a text message, a FB messenger message...there's NO reason why there can't be some sort of final note.

I would rather get my feelings hurt with a simple, "I think, after all these years, we've just grown apart and I don't want to be friends anymore" than absolutely nothing. The first gives me a reason, the second leaves me wondering and doubting myself.

Maybe I expect too much from people. Maybe I just suck at being a friend. Maybe I have no concept of friendship.

What I feel today is hurt.


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